Friday, February 3, 2012

I Love My Mum :DD

The first time I met you
I cried as soon as I saw you
Was it because I was happy?
Was it because I was sad?
I don’t even remember
Since I had nothing to give, I just accepted
Even so, at that time I didn’t know how to be thankful
I’ve been living without knowing anything
By just calling your name
why does my heart ache like this?
You’ve given me everything, you can’t give more
To you who are sorry because of that
what should I give?
My mother
Why are tears falling like this?
The most precious person
who is more beautiful than anyone else
You are my,
my mother
Now I know that it was hard for you
You had cried a lot because of me
Why I was like that back then
how many times I had done it
I don’t even remember
Please don’t be so moved by my small gift
You know you have given me the world
I’ll do well
I will do well
Though I can’t remember the first image of yours
Just your last image, I will remember till I die
With all my heart
I love you

(Mom by Ra D)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Suffer from Raining Days~ @.@

Tetibe je teringat lagu neyy.....HAHA XDD
When the world turns dark
And the rain quietly falls
Everything is still
Even today without a doubt
I can't get out of it
I can't get out from the thoughts of you..
(On A Rainy Days by BEAST)

......................................................................................okayy!!! xde keitan...(¯―¯٥)

Hmmm...since smlm hujan x bhenti2..mmg syukur alhamdulillah, hujan rahmat org kate..:).. But somehow, ak x suke sgt cuaca hujan neyy..bkn sbb ak x msyukuri nikmat yg Allah bg.. sbbnye..,ak x tahan sjukk! huhu (>.<")

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Song For Myself~

  This song is just for you, my dear own self....:) I Love you more than anyone...always remember that!

Cry when you want to cry.
Don’t purposely hold in your sadness
I’ll embrace you so that you can smile again
When you’re tired, I’ll lend you my shoulder so that you can rest for a bit
I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life
Although this world tries to look at you with a small view
I can confidently say you’re the only one
Find your broken dreams again.
Don’t say that you can’t
I will help you to make that dream come true
When you feel like you can’t breathe,
close your eyes for a bit and think about your future
I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life
Although this world tries to look at you with a small view
I can confidently say you’re the only one
Uh I’ll protect you and stay by your side as tears flow
Just rest without any worries in my embrace
The sadness formed in your eyes that won’t fall
In your dreams there are rough dark clouds that don’t show but
you smile.
Don’t hold back your hurt anymore
Just throw it high into the sky.
I want to go towards the end now
Open up the wings that were folded away.
Take my hand
Don’t cry again
I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life
Although hearts that changed coldly may not know you,
who is cooler than anyone, stay by my side.
You’re the only one
I pray no tears in your dreams
I know you’ll fly high in your life

~ B1A4 - Only One ~

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Crying ALONE

Closing myself,
not allowing myself..
closing myself,
hurting myself..
The truth is..
I am weak!
all I do is I act tough..
pretend that I'm strong..
The truth is..
I want to cry my heart out!
I want to scream so loud!
I tell myself..
I must be strong..
I must be strong all the time!

Mood: I'm hurting inside.! T.T

p/s: We were friends before..we were so close..:) we were always together..I was never alone....Everyday was fun, and I truly enjoyed being alive..but now... everything does not same anymore...i'm truly hurt inside..soul injured...all i get is being blame! thanks a lot "friends" for hurting me...thanks a lot bcause you want to walk out from my life..and now.. you guys let me be alone...thanks...:/ Thanks a lot when you said that we're not BESTIE nice you guys are.....:(